Selasa, 31 Maret 2015

Danau Diatas Danau Dibawah

This lake located in solok regency, Alohan Panjang. This lake consists of two lakes, one lake located on the edge of Padang Muara Labuh road and one more lake located in Nagara Bukit Sileh, Lembang Jaya district.
This lake is one of twin lake and five likes where is in west sumatera (singkarak lake, maninjau lake, diatas lake, dibawah lake, and talang lake). When we want to go there, we can arrive to that lake for ninty minutes from airport. four of them are singkarak lake, maninjau lake, diatas lake, dibawah lake which located in solok regency.
cause of solok is regency that have many lakes in west sumatera. Even three lakes among diatas lake, dibawah lake and talang lake which located in twin lakes region.
We called twin lakes because there are two lakes that dibawah lake and diatas lake located coexistedwith distance only 300 meters, at the past this region called is as tourist attraction. cause located on the edge Padang - Muara Labuh road.
The named lake that located on hill is dibawah lake, cause hinger surface of water dibawah lake same tall with base diatas lake.
Diatas lake with wide 17.20 m², long lake 6,25 km and widht lake is 2,75 km, surface of water be in height 1.600 m on surface of sea (m dpl) and part deep only 44 m.
Then surface of water dibawah lake be in height 1.566 m dpl that meaning of surface of water same height with base up lake water. This lake have wide 16,90 m², long lake 5,62 km and widht lakeis 3,00 km and deep of lakeis 886 m.

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